Saturday, 11 March 2017

Manufacturer of Potassium Cyanate | CAS No 590-28-3 - Alaska Zyanate

Potassium Cyanate is an inorganic compound with the formula KOCN (sometimes denoted KCNO). It is a colourless solid. It is used to prepare many other compounds including useful herbicide. Worldwide production of the potassium and sodium salts was 20,000 tons in 2006.

CAS No 590-28-3

For most applications, the Potassium and sodium salts can be used interchangeably. Potassium Cyanate is often preferred to the sodium salt, which is less soluble in water and less readily available in pure form.

Potassium Cyanate Uses

Potassium Cyanate(CAS No-590-28-3) is used as a basic raw material for various organic syntheses, including, urea derivatives, semicarbazides, carbamates and isocyanates. For example, it is used to prepare the drug hydroxyurea. It is also used for the heat treatment of metals

 CAS No 590-28-3

Therapeutic Uses

Potassium Cyanate (CAS No-590-28-3)has been used to reduce the percentage of sickled erythrocytes under certain conditions and has also increased the number of deformalities. In an aqueous solution, it has prevented irreversibly the in vitro sickling of hemoglobins containing human erythrocytes during deoxygenization. Veterinarians have also found potassium cyanate useful in that the cyanate salts and isocyanates can treat parasite diseases in both birds and mammals.


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